Sunday, February 04, 2007

Khaled Abdelwahhab

"JERUSALEM — At the height of the Second World War, Khaled Abdelwahhab hid a group of Jews on his farm in a small Tunisian town, saving them from German troops occupying the North African nation.

Now, Mr. Abdelwahhab has become the first Arab nominated for recognition as “Righteous Among the Nations,” an honour bestowed on non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews from Nazi persecution.
The nomination of Mr. Abdelwahhab, who died in 1997, has reopened a little-known chapter of the Holocaust in the Arab countries of North Africa...

“I asked, did any Arabs save Jews in the Holocaust?” Mr. Satloff said. “If they did, these are stories about which Arabs could be proud. It would also entail accepting the context, because it would mean there was something to save Jews from.” The search led to Mr. Abdelwahhab, the son of an aristocratic family who was 32 when German troops arrived in Tunisia in November, 1942. The nation was home to some 100,000 Jews at the time...

“Khaled is the finest example, though not the only one, of an Arab who saved Jews from persecution during the German occupation,” Mr. Satloff said. More.


"Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne, Mohammed and I...founded empires. But on what did we rest the creations of our genius? Upon force.
Jesus Christ founded His empire upon love; and at this hour millions of people would die for Him. "

-- Napoleon Bonaparte


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