Saturday, May 12, 2007

Afghanistan: 70 Taleban Killed

VOA News: An Afghan security official says Afghan and international troops have killed more than 70 Taleban insurgents during a week-long operation in southern Helmand province.

The official, who spoke anonymously, said five Taleban commanders are among the dead in Nahri Saraj district. He said troops have re-taken control of the area, and he added that Nahri Saraj is now "cleared" of Taleban fighters.
NATO and the U.S.-led coalition were not able to immediately confirm the Afghan official's statement. Troubled Helmand province is a hotbed of insurgent activity. It is the hub of Afghanistan's booming illegal drug industry.
Elsewhere in the south, authorities say eight police officers were killed when a roadside bomb tore through their vehicle in Kandahar province.

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