Sunday, October 15, 2006

Orthodox Christian Priest Beheaded, Walid Shoebat

No amount of appeasement, no amount of money, no amount of love and kindness will satisfy their hunger for death and violence.

The beheading of Syrian Orthodox priest Boulos Iskander Wednesday is among the latest in a spate of attacks on religious minorities in Iraq, according to a human rights group. "The church subsequently put up 30 large billboards all around Mosul stating their disagreement with the Pope's statements and the family managed to raise the ransom money. However, all contact abruptly ceased Tuesday night, Christian rights group Middle East Concern (MEC) said. Father Iskander was discovered the following day with his arms and legs severed and arranged around his head, which rested on his chest. His remains were brought to a local hospital, which then contacted his church, MEC said. "
The Assyrian International News Agency published a letter from an Iraqi priest who fled to Sweden, describing what amounts to a full blown campaign of terror against Christians in Iraq. Based on accounts from Christians still living in the country, Fr Adris Hanna warns that "Christians are living a terrified life in Mosul and Baghdad. Several priests have been kidnapped, girls are being raped and murdered, and a couple of days ago a fourteen-year-old boy was crucified in the Christian neighbourhood of Albasra." Father P. Hanna also reported that he spoke "to a group of nuns who were robbed and treated brutally on their way between Baghdad to Amman in Jordan." He ended his letter with a plea: "We must do what we can to stop [the massacre] . . . . We must do something." + Beheading of Iraqi priest latest attack on minorities ++++ Call for American Protection ofPope and Ecumenical Patriarch Meeting in Turkey ++++ Fr Adris Hanna warns that "Christians are living a terrified life" in Iraq

One of many Christian churches bombed in Iraq.

Spreading love: Handing out school supplies to smiling Iraqi children.

Walid Shoebat is a Palestinian author, who converted from Islam to Evangelical Christianity and came to public attention by becoming an ardent critic of Islam and supporter of Israel. He describes himself as a former member of the Palestine Liberation Organisation who took part in terrorist attacks against Israeli targets. He is the founder of the Walid Shoebat Foundation, an organization that seeks to combat anti-semitism and promote peace in the Middle East.

"As a six-year-old, in Kindergarten, I sang a song, 'Arabs are beloved and Jews are dogs,' constantly repeating the song. I remember the news broadcasts when I was a child, that they would throw the Jews into the sea. When the Six Day War erupted, the males in Jericho left their posts before a shot was fired. They took off their uniforms, except for their underwear." The reason? They were afraid of "what those monsters, the Jews would do to them" if those conquering Israelis discovered they were soldiers. Muslim Arab hatred of Jews goes back far earlier than the creation of the State of Israel, Shoebat added. His wealthy grandfather, a Muslim chieftain, was a close friend of Haj Amin al-Husseini, the anti-Semitic grand mufti of Jerusalem and friend of Adolf Hitler. Al-Husseini helped organize the "8th Division of Hitler's Army", and had a lot to do with Arab "pogroms against Jews" in British Mandate Palestine. He also persuaded the Nazis not to let "half a million Hungarian Jews" or "5,000" European Jewish children emigrate to Palestine. "They went to death camps as a result of his intervention."

He eventually moved to California, where he met his current wife, a Catholic from Mexico.
"I wanted her to convert to Islam," he said. "I told her Jews had corrupted the Bible and she asked me to show her some examples of this corruption. At this point I had to go and buy a Bible and I started reading it and I saw the word 'Israel' all over it. I had to be brutally honest - the very word I hated the most was throughout this book! I thought: 'How do you explain this?' Then I started thinking, really the Jews didn't do us any harm but we hated them and accused them of all this horrible stuff. I began to think more openly." In the mid-1990s, Walid went to a family reunion in southern California where a row broke out after he defended the biblical matriarch Rachel, whom his uncle had called a "Jewish whore". 'You deserve to be spat at', "my uncle said, and they threw me out the house. I realised they knew nothing about history, all they knew was the same propaganda that I had been taught."

+ Video of Walid Shoebat on FOX News ++++ Video featuring Walid Shoebat, Zak Anani and Ibrahim Abdullah on CN8, subtitled in French ++++ Walid Shoebat tells his story to hundreds in Winnipeg ++++ Walid's new book: Why I Left Jihad

Teaching children to hate (thanks to American Crusader):

Teaching children to hate (thanks to AC):


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